One of a dream of everyone, including me is to be free from any employemnt and at the same time generate an income with our own rule. Its only take courage and faith for you to jump high and reach the goal as you wanted. By working closely with your business partner, and have faith in you and your business partner. You will gain more than what you want and generate income from the company.
My business partner, Razlina Mohamad -
She joined the business (premium beautiful)for less than 2 months.
And its proven, within a month, she got her reward back. She got back more than what her had invested. Below are some of a snap shot of what she got within a month. (Ini baru bonus prestasi, blom lg hasil jualan PB & Network).
Hanis Haizi,My Inspiration -
Her Income after 10 month | Her Latest income |
Company trip to Switzerland 2010 |